Friday, October 21, 2016

In the theatrical design (or stage design, because the career is more wide) we can get very and varied skills, from analize dramatics and theoretical text to solder iron.

The principal subject or lines academics in the degree are drawing or graphics expressions, design workshops , techniques of realization, and projects. All this lines of subject are very broad. In graphics expressions we learn technical drawing and beside drawing of own authorship. In design workshops, we create project of opera and projects to films. In techniques of realization we learn to solder iron, to light up and make epoch dress. In the subject of project we design theatrical pieces in company with the actings. The workload is heavy, usually we working up all night. Sometimes we do it two days non stop.

The faculty of my career is Artes, this is a broken faculty, because it stands on three differents campus. Our headquarter have a good position, because we can build fabrics, costume jewelry, make ups and insum of arts just around the corner. the School have many studios to realise our works, like costume studio, lighting laboratory, computation laboratory and scenography studio. These are not the best place to work, because don’t have a good implementation (except the computation laboratory).

The place that i wanted to change in all my career was the lighting laboratory, but in this year, had coming new instrumental, and the next year will come more spotlight and consoles.

I enjoyed this degree, and i hated sometimes, but this is a funny career if you are doing everything.

Friday, October 14, 2016

The last summer, at finish February, i traveled whit my boyfriend to the south (from VII at X region). First we went to Linares, because Nicolas, my boyfriend, have friend here. We stayed on the city the firs day and the next day we traveled to Quinamávida, a thermal spring nearby to river.

Then we went to Constitución and Valdivia, but the better place that we visited was La Cruz, one beach near Valdivia. This is a beautiful place between two hills. at one hour from Niebla. The bus don't come to there.  Behind the beach had grass, then we camped there. At the left to beach was a hill whit a little road to go up to peak. to the other side of the hill was very rocks and the sea. This was a very beautiful moment, because we came to there at six o'clock, and to finished set up the tent. we climbed the hill and just was the twilight. the light in this moment was beautiful. I really enjoyed climb up the hill. and then we was accompanied by a dog. It knew all the road, and ran whit us.

At night no had many light, becouse of that we set a campfire. I did not see the sea, I only saw the fire and the stars. I saw stars at the horizon (i never saw stars so down at sky).
we smoked weed, then i was very high. I went to black sea and fell down on seashore. This was my favorite moment in all the travel, because i meditated by a long time.

As i don`t had expectation, i fell this travel very pleasant. I'll come back to this place again.

Friday, October 7, 2016

My Mistakes Are My Life

Frequently all my decisions are not good ideas, all things than I do are uncertain and I mystake evertime. My mistakes are my life is really my life. 
For begin, to enter to this university, i did'nt know if I wanted study acting, but I did and I enjoyed it so much, but I did'nt satisfied. Maybe this is my problem, I never be satisfied, but, in my mistakes I learn and create my life.
More friends say the same, that they get wrong or all than they do is confuse, but always they overcome their problems. One day a friend tells me about his problems, his mistakes, and i tell him that all just was resolved, but he did'nt know it, but all mistake are solved whit other mistakes, and then, all been ok.
One month ago I built a table for a place of theatre, but i had'nt clearly how i'll build it. I aks for help to Guido, my master, but her ideas was'nt like mine, then the tables did'nt turn out like i knew, but I modified my first idea of table and became more means than first.
However we will do something, always we need solve the situation, all persons are reasoning and could  resolve their problems, or at least fell good whit their decisions. 
Even on the worst situations, the universe can work to our advantage.

Friday, September 30, 2016

I don`t know if i want to course at postgraduate as a master or PhD after finish my career in Theatrical Design in University of Chile, but i would like to take workshops or to learn in littles communities. I would like to do a mask workshop in Bolivia or Brazil. I don't would like about the traditional occidental mask, I want to learn about natives techniques of that people. In this country, the festivals are very good, so professional and whit many dedication. I would like to learn the techniques of Aymara tin masks, wools mask of Bolivia and wood mask of Amazon.
I would like to take workshopo in Chile also, but no in a university. I want to leave Santiago and go to Chiloé for to learn about tessues and loom.
I want to study with aged people, like a "machi", weavers or old mens that will teach me in pleasantly way, without speed necessarily.

This ideas can be so "hippies", but the university was overcome me, I don't collaborate more to this academy system. I think that i should rescue the old techniques of forgotten persons. I have a friend, Belen, and she just to be this in Chiloe now, I want to go whith hem this summer for learn to knitting.

Friday, September 9, 2016

This is a friend story and happened since some month. One day, Nicolas was going to take for awalk, but it was very exited. It was barking and jump, Nicolas thougth that this wasn't a normal day. When he opened the door, Jake, his dog, started running very fast. Nico shouted it: "Jake, come here, come back Jake", then Jake turned its head, saw to Nicolas and ran away. He tried to reached it, but jake ran very quick without stop.
Jake wasn't a dog in this moment, it was a "Jake the dog", as a Adventure Time from Cartoon Network. It ran and ran, smiling for freedom, but it was lost in the street. Walked for roads with many people, but never one saw to Jake the dog.  In a stop bus some guys talked to Jake, and it very happy went, they petted whit excitement, but the bus was coming, then they got up. Jake from down saw sad and before that close doors, jump and get up to bus. Jake was happy, never it was living a experience like than, but cause so much run, it was tired then it rested and slept.
Jake awaked in the terminal bus stop, alone and tired, it wasn't knew to do, but remember that it is Jake the dog, and shot up its legs and came back to home.
In the house, Nicolas was sleeping, then Jake put at side hem and slept. After everything that happened, they awake. All had been a dream of Jake. (256 words)

Friday, September 2, 2016

Biophilia Concert

The best concert i've been is Biophilia by Björk. In 2012, my syster gave me a Lollapalooza pass for my birthday. This year came to the festival Björk and Cage the Elephant. My friends wanted to see Cage the Elephant, but I only want to see Björk. We arrived so early to Parque O´higgins and saw very music bands. We wanted to see Bjork very much because this year, her last disc, Biophilia in this moment, was launch four month before. In the stage been to screens and one estrange cage. At start concert, I met with another two friend and commented all the stage. When it was beginning the cage throw a strange lightning bolt, producing sounds in accordance whit the music. I felt so confused, cause I don´t understood why the thunder could generated those sounds, but I love it and enjoyed all the concert. I felt exited when saw Björk singing. To see aged was moved me. Share a moment whit friend seeing Björk is unforgettable.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Well, my perfect vacations always have a good travel, time to rest and  someone to do nothing. In this holidays i pretend travel to north (Iquique, Arica, Peru), but depend how many cash i can save. This is my final semester in the university, then the future is a problem. I should find a job or try to generate littles work to give me too money for live in peace. I thing that travel and job in another place i could have a good future, as job in Peru or Bolivia, meet people, enter to the jungle, learn about original fabrics and costumes and for over all i pretend know the altiplanic culture.
But these is a dreams to me now, because i need job on the festival Súbete a las Tablas in janaury of the next year, work in one theatrical play and plain my practice and the memory to my graduation.